Did Trump Kill Soleimani in Exchange for Bolton’s Loyalty During the Impeachment Trial?

On December 29, President Donald J Trump ordered airstrikes which killed Iran’s top general Qasem Soleimani. The murder of Soleimani has prompted counter-strikes by the Iranian military, summoned bi-partisan denouncements from both Democrats and Republicans alike, and motivated the person who just might be the most feared man in the White House to tweet congratulations and support.
Three days after John Bolton tweeted out his support for the White House’s attack on Iran, he put a statement out on his website reading, “I have concluded that, if the Senate issues a subpoena for my testimony, I am prepared to testify.”
Just a day later, Trump began publicly laying the groundwork for Bolton’s supposed ignorance. Axios reports that on January 7, Trump stated on camera that “former national security adviser John Bolton ‘would know nothing about what we’re talking about’ if he testified in the Senate impeachment trial, adding that it will be ‘up to the lawyers’ and the Senate to decide whether he appears.”
While current analysis of Trump’s attack on Iran focus on the geopolitical and national security ramifications that we now face, there is one threat that has escaped the attention of the mainstream media: Trump may have killed Soleimani in exchange for John Bolton’s loyalty through the impeachment trial.
John Bolton is a notorious “war hawk” that has been relentlessly pushing the barrels of war in the direction of Iran for decades. As one of the people “in the room” for Trump’s infamous call with Ukrainian minister Volodymyr Zelensky, Bolton has the power to turn the tables of the impeachment trial entirely.
Trump needs Bolton’s loyalty throughout the impeachment trial if he is to successfully carry through both impeachment and the 2020 Election. Bolton needs nothing. He wants war with Iran. And he just got it.
If Donald Trump negotiated a quid pro quo with John Bolton that includes an attack on Iran in exchange for loyalty during the Senate impeachment trial, Americans should know about it. And we should be prepared to respond.