Dear Democrats: It’s Not Us, It’s You

First, I know what you’re thinking: “You’re leaving me for Bernie, aren’t you?”
No. We’re not. We were never into him. He is not into us. And really, this is just between me and you.
We’re leaving your lying, cheating, do-nothing ass because you suck. You suck really hard. And we deserve better.
I know, you don’t have to say it: If we don’t stick with you, we’ll never find anyone better. And my only other option is the Republican Party. Blah. Blah. Blah.
Yeah, you’ve force fed that one down our throats for a few generations now. And we can’t look our kids in the eyes and tell them that they can’t do any better. They are better than that.
We are better than that. And we can do far better than you.
It wouldn’t even be that difficult. I mean c’mon — you cheated on us with Nazis. Fucking Nazis. And all kinds of white supremacists. Nativists, nationalists, neo-Confederates…
You didn’t even try to hide that dinner you had with Donnie with the Bad Hair.
It was all over the news. Did you think we wouldn’t see that? Did you think we wouldn’t care about how thrilled you were with your Chinese food and chocolate pie?
We been working ourselves into the ground to keep your middle class afloat and to keep our communities safe while you’re out there having dinner with the traitor that is dismantling our rights and the federal government piece by piece? A man that you yourselves claim is a puppet of a hostile Russian government? A D-list celebrity that can’t wait to drop a nuke, doesn’t believe in science, and thinks that it’s totally cool to grab women in the pussy?
Seriously, that guy?
You told us time and time again:
“We believe in protecting civil liberties and guaranteeing civil rights and voting rights, women’s rights and workers’ rights, LGBT rights, and rights for people with disabilities.”
But you have proven that when it’s time to live up to these promises — you are unwilling and unable to do so.
Why pass a wage we can live off of or cap rent prices when you can make money off of mixed income housing and allow the middle and upper classes exploit our labor? Why respond to our calls for police accountability by confronting the Fraternal Order of Police and challenging laws that protect killer cops when you can pretend more training and bodycams will solve everything? Why re-enfranchise the tens of millions of black, brown, poor, and disabled voters when you can just recruit more white middle class voters?
All you have shown us is that in our darkest hour, you would rather lay in bed with white supremacists than stand in solidarity with the people. That was your choice.
Our only choice now is to kick your white apologist asses out of your positions in government and replace you with representatives that will do their jobs to stop the Republican Party, counter the Trump administration, protect our communities, and advance our agendas at the local, state, and federal level.
So, we don’t care where you go. Retire. Form your own white middle class party without us. Join the GOP. Do whatever you want. You’ve perched on our backs to claim the moral high ground for far too long now.
Just. Fucking. Go.
And let this be a call heard by those currently occupying positions in the Democratic Party and those thinking of running in 2018: We are done with your bullshit.
If you have in any way supported the Trump Administration — you will not get our vote. If you have called for compromise and bipartisanship with the white power party — you will not get our vote. If you have done little to nothing more than tweet or try to pass chocolate pie in the sky legislation through Congress — you will not get our vote.
Further, if you have not actively use your privileges and authority to counter the GOP and protect communities targeted by white supremacists — you will not get our vote. If you have not consistently supported community organizations in efforts to advance our agendas — you will not get our vote. If you have not used the authority offered by your position to undermine the efforts of the white nationalist dominated GOP — you will not get our vote.
We don’t need you.
You — the white, able bodied middle class — are the statistical minority. People of color, people living with disabilities and poor folks are the true majority. You need us to push through your agendas. You need our communities to fund your candidates. You need our votes to win.
And when you win, we lose.
So, we’re done handing ourselves over to your lying, cheating, do-nothing asses. It’s time for all the Nazi lovers to go.
The Democratic Party is OUR party. We deserve better. And in 2018 — we’re going to get it.
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