Actions Democrats can Take Right Now to Stop Trump’s Attack on Immigrant Families

There can be no question: The Trump Administration and the GOP are unapologetic white nationalists implementing policies that are designed to traumatize, brutalize, and kill people of color.
No. Question.
The outright attack on Latino populations is nothing short of tyrannical, and no matter where you stand on the legality or the illegality of the GOP’s attacks — every measure must be taken to block the Trump Administration’s assault on brown men, women, children, and families.
To this date, the Left has failed to respond with the political force necessary to curb the Trump Administration, and as a result — the GOP’s white nativist agenda continues to advance. They have failed to produce a united rhetorical front, let alone a united political counter-strategy.
This is why Trump wins. This is why we are here today. Not because the enemy exists — but because those responsible for stopping them refuse to fight back.
There are actions that the Democratic party can take to put a halt to Trump’s war on brown people and families at the border. It is our responsibility that they take these actions immediately and without excuses. I encourage those mobilizing marches and calling campaigns to redirect their efforts towards left wing politicians that can act to stop the attacks on immigrants. It is their job to do so. They haven’t been going it. And they need to start. Now.
1. Pressure your local legislators to end relationships between ICE and local law enforcement.
There is a piece of legislation that was passed in 1996 that formally authorized the Director of ICE to enter into agreements with state and local law enforcement agencies under the authority of the Department of Homeland Security. This agreement permits pre-designated local law enforcement officers to preform the duties of ICE agents under the supervision of ICE.
Known as Section 287(g) of the Immigration and Naturalization Act, Memorandums of Agreement are used to contract the relationship between ICE and Law enforcement. These agreements are voluntary and can be ended by local and state law enforcement immediately.
Contact your local police departments and legislators and demand they immediately end the use of local and state police departments as a function of ICE and the Trump’s Department of Homeland Security.
2. Pressure your state governor to refuse to send the national guard to the border
In response to the forced separation of children and families at the border, the Governor of Massachusetts, Charlie Baker, announced that he would not send his state’s National Guard troops to the Mexican Border. He is a Republican.
If a Republican governor is able to stand up to his party and the Trump Administration — there is no reason the Democrats can’t do the same. In fact, it’s shameful that they didn’t take the lead on this already.
Pressure your state governor to formally refuse to deploy the National Guard to the border if they haven’t sent forces already. If they have sent members, pressure them to formally withdraw them from the Border.
3. Pressure the Democratic Party to mobilize the Spanish speaking vote.
As previously reported by the Strategic Institute of Intersection Policy (SIIP):
“40% of the 25 million people in Texas identify as Latino, to be specific. 13% identify as black and another 4% categorize themselves as Indigenous, Asian, or mixed race. People of color outnumber white people in Texas. By a lot. Latino and black voters are also the 2 most loyal voting blocs in the Democratic Party.
Texas, by all measures, should be one of the deepest blue states in the nation. But it’s not. Brown Texas is currently a red state that is under the authority of one of the most loathed and bigoted Republican Senators in the nation — Ted Cruz.
And this makes absolutely no sense.”
None of this — I repeat NONE OF THIS — would be happening if Spanish speaking citizens were not so heavily suppressed by both the Left and the Right. States like Texas and Arizona where Latinos overwhelmingly outnumber white conservatives should never be in fear of a white led attack like we are seeing now. The only reason this is happening is because the Democratic party is refusing to reach out to and mobilize Spanish speaking Latinos. If we end the suppression of Latinos (and other targeted minorities) and empower their political participation — this black, brown, indigenous, Asian, and otherwise non-white electorate could end white nationalism and the GOP all on its own.
The only way to stop the Trump Administration and the GOP is to take back Congress. The only way to do that is to reenfrainchise and mobilize poor black, disabled and especially Spanish speaking voters. Without control of Congress, none of this ends. With white people, left or right, in charge of black and brown lives — none of this ends. Without a united front against white supremacy — one that doesn’t include compromise with lives of color — none of this ends.
To learn more about Dr. GS Potter and the Strategic Institute for Intersectional Policy (SIIP), visit: