12 min readDec 31, 2017

2017: A Year of SIIP Strategies in the Times of Trump

Fuck 2017. Just fuck it.

This is the year everything went to shit. Everything.

I was gonna make a list of the things that went to shit this past year, but seriously….who’s got time to make a list of fucking everything. Every. Last. Thing. I sure as hell don’t. So, I scrapped that article.

What I do have time for is to make a list of SIIP has reported on for the past year (and some change). It’s a list of strategies, reports and op-eds designed to:

1. Unapologetically speak truth to power — especially white power

2. Provide strategic solutions to the current China backed, Russian led, white nationalist fueled, pussy grabber fronted federal takeover we are all trying to survive today.

Like the majority of my colleagues of color, I’ve been shut out by a white “resistance” that is led by middle class rookies that think marching is a one-day street party, calling campaigns can stop white supremacy, and the moral high ground is where political battles are fought.

In other works, experts of color have been shut put in favor of white folks with good intentions. Shocker. *Insert James Harden Eye Roll Here*

As a result, Trump has pretty much destroyed the nation and is now steering us head first into World War III with no global allies except Vladimir Putin and Rodrigo Duterte.

Fantastic job, y’alls. Really. Way to fuck up an entire nation on hubris alone. Hubris that enables an all too large number of leftists to continue to believe that calling Congress will stop Trump and the Republican onslaught after a year of total catastrophe.

Just unfuckingbelievable.

So, for the end of the year, I’m not going to waste my time writing a new article in light of the Tax Bill or the latest BS Indivisible led strategy to stop the GOP. I’m not going to write about the Democrats fucking up — for the bazillionth time. I’m not even going to write about voting rights.

What I am going to do is continue to put my strategies into action with people that eat, breathe, drink, and live this work day in and day out. And give y’alls a list of articles I’ve written by topic.

The resistance can catch up. It can slow down. It can stop. I don’t care. The Struggle is moving ahead stronger than ever. And we aren’t waiting for you. Or your stupid motherfucking phone calls. So, if you’re ready to dig in and do what needs to be done, below is a list of work that can help catch you up on what folks in the real struggle have been up to and point you in the direction you need to go in to find us.

2018 is all about the elections. If we don’t take back Congress and populate it with people that know what they’re doing — we’re irreversibly fucked. Fucked in ways white middle class people can’t even possibly understand. Ways that the rest of us know can’t be fixed with a gawddamn voicemail.

We have a lot of work to do, we’re already behind and we don’t have any more time to fuck around. So, I’m getting back to work.

To learn more about Dr. GS Potter and the Strategic Institute for Intersectional Policy (SIIP), visit:

Top 5 Most Read Articles of the Year

1. A Survivor’s Defense of Al Franken

2. Donald Trump is Unimpeachable. Here’s Why.

3. 22 million Eligible Democratic Votes were Eliminated from the 2016 Election? Was Russia Involved?

4. The Real Reason Why We Can’t Just Believe All Women

5. Al Franken Resigns: Democrats Fail the GOP Sexual Harassment Test. Again.

SIIP’s Top 5 Articles on Strategy

1. What History Can Teach #TheResistance About Kicking Trump’s Ass

2. The Only Way to Stop Trump is to Take Back Congress

3. Donald Trump is Unimpeachable. Here’s Why.

4. The Top 5 Reasons to Burn your Indivisible Guide

5. There’s Only One Way to Save the Democratic Party. This is It.

Strategy and Organizing


New Report Prompts Call For Democrats To Halt Transfer Of Power To Trump Before Dec. 13 Deadline

Jan. 31, 2017: No Justice, No Super Bowl

Feb. 13, 2017: What History Can Teach #TheResistance About Kicking Trump’s Ass

Jan 22, 2017: SIIP Releases “Turning Protest into Power: Strategies for Activism in the Times of Trump”

Jan 24, 2017: We Can’t Rely on the Democrats to Stop Trump. We Have to Stop Him Ourselves.

Jan 25, 2017: Trump’s Attack on Immigrants and The New Underground Railroad

April 3, 2017: We Can’t Impeach Trump, but We Can Burn the GOP to the Ground

April 29, 2017: The GOP has a plan to win the 2018 elections. Here’s how to stop it.

June 2, 2017: Going to #MarchforTruth? Here’s what you need to know.

June 7, 2017: The Top 5 Reasons to Burn your Indivisible Guide

June 16, 2017: There’s Only One Way to Save the Democratic Party. This is It.

June 20, 2017: GA-06: Ossoff’s Loss to Handel was Predictable. Will Democrats Admit It before it’s too Late?

June 26, 2017: Will the Democrats’ Strategy to Defeat the GOP in the 2018 Midterm Elections Work?

July 13, 2017: If You Aren’t Working to Enforce the Voting Rights Act, You Aren’t Fighting Voter Suppression

July 16, 2017: 22 million Eligible Democratic Votes were Eliminated from the 2016 Election? Was Russia Involved?

July 24, 2017 An Analysis of the Legal Strategies Behind the Commission on Election Integrity

Aug. 1, 2017: The Democrats can Stop Trump’s Plot to Take Voter Purging Nationwide. Here’s How.

Aug. 5, 2017: The Democrats Can Re-enfranchise 21 Million Voters by 2018. Without Congress.

Aug. 9, 2017: End Voter Suppression by 2018. Re-enfranchise 50 Million People. Destroy the GOP. #WeAllVote2018

Sept. 24, 2017: Does Taking a Knee Matter?

Oct. 13, 2017: There Are 5 Ways to Unseat Donald Trump. Only 1 Will Work.

Oct. 14, 2017: The ACA is Dead. It’s Time to Admit Phone Calls Aren’t Enough.

Oct. 26, 2017: Rules for Unity in the Resistance: Privilege, Oppression and the Bonds of Solidarity

Nov. 3, 2017: People of Color Stand to Win Big in the War Between Sanders and Clinton

Nov. 5, 2017: The Only Way to Stop Trump is to Take Back Congress

Nov. 8, 2017: Democratic Victories Indicate the Black-Brown Surge is Stronger than the Blue Wave

Dec. 3, 2017: We Just Lost The Battle Over The GOP Tax Bill. Where Do We Go From Here?

Dec. 5, 2017: Can Beyoncé and the Black Church Save Us from Roy Moore?

Dec. 7, 2017: Al Franken Resigns: Democrats Fail the GOP Sexual Harassment Test. Again.

Dec. 13, 2017: Why isn’t Doug Jones Black?

Dec. 17, 2017: A Strategist’s Alternative to “Believe All Women”

Voting and Voter Suppression


New Report Prompts Call For Democrats To Halt Transfer Of Power To Trump Before Dec. 13 Deadline

Failure to Defend Minority Voters from Voter Suppression Threatens to Cost Democrats more than the Election

Trump is Right. The Election was Rigged. Here’s What We Know.

Feb. 26, 2017: If the Russians Successfully Altered the Outcome of the 2016 Election, Why did Hillary Clinton win the Popular Vote?

April 29, 2017: Voting is for White People: The Origins of Crosscheck

April 29, 2017: The GOP has a plan to win the 2018 elections. Here’s how to stop it.

May 13, 2017: While Trump distracted you with Comey, Kris Kobach snuck into the White House

June 16, 2017: There’s Only One Way to Save the Democratic Party. This is It.

June 20, 2017: GA-06: Ossoff’s Loss to Handel was Predictable. Will Democrats Admit It before it’s too Late?

June 30, 2017: The Man that Rigged the 2016 Election is Leading Trump’s Commission on Election Integrity — and He Just Made His First Move

July 6, 2017: No, 44 States Didn’t Reject Kris Kobach’s Request for Voter Data. And that is Terrifying.

July 13, 2017: If You Aren’t Working to Enforce the Voting Rights Act, You Aren’t Fighting Voter Suppression

July 16, 2017: 22 million Eligible Democratic Votes were Eliminated from the 2016 Election? Was Russia Involved?

July 20, 2017: Everything you Need to Know about Kris Kobach, the Commission on Election Integrity, Voter Suppression and How to Stop Them All

July 24, 2017 An Analysis of the Legal Strategies Behind the Commission on Election Integrity

July 27 2017: BREAKING NEWS: Pennsylvania Removes Itself from the Interstate Crosscheck System

July 31, 2017: The Democrats can Repeal Voter ID Restrictions and Re-enfranchise 21 Million Voters.

Aug. 1, 2017: The Democrats can Stop Trump’s Plot to Take Voter Purging Nationwide. Here’s How.

Aug. 1, 2017: Secretaries of State are Still Handing Over Voter Information to Kobach.

Aug. 9, 2017: End Voter Suppression by 2018. Re-enfranchise 50 Million People. Destroy the GOP. #WeAllVote2018

Nov. 3, 2017: People of Color Stand to Win Big in the War Between Sanders and Clinton

Nov. 5, 2017: The Only Way to Stop Trump is to Take Back Congress

Nov. 6, 2016: The Dirty Secret Democrats and Republicans Share: They Both Benefit from Voter Suppression

Dec. 5, 2017: Can Beyoncé and the Black Church Save Us from Roy Moore?

Dec. 13, 2017: Why isn’t Doug Jones Black?

2017 Campaign:

Aug. 9, 2017: End Voter Suppression by 2018. Re-enfranchise 50 Million People. Destroy the GOP. #WeAllVote2018

White Power


If We Want to Stop Police Brutality, We Will have to Stop Trump from Taking the White House

Over the Weekend, Trump Visited a Church in Detroit and Declared Himself a Civil Rights Leader

Thank You, Colin Kaepernick

The Confederacy Has Risen: Trump, The Oregon Standoff and the Rise of the Neo-Confederates

Trump, The Neo-Confederacy And White Power’s Lunge For The White House

Jan 25, 2017: Trump’s Attack on Immigrants and The New Underground Railroad

Feb 20, 2017: White Nationalists Guarantee Trump Victory in 2020 With or Without Russia

April 29, 2017: Voting is for White People: The Origins of Crosscheck

May 13, 2017: While Trump distracted you with Comey, Kris Kobach snuck into the White House

June 1, 2017: Should White People Control the Democratic Party?

June 16, 2017: There’s Only One Way to Save the Democratic Party. This is It.

June 30, 2017: The Man that Rigged the 2016 Election is Leading Trump’s Commission on Election Integrity — and He Just Made His First Move

July 20, 2017: Everything you Need to Know about Kris Kobach, the Commission on Election Integrity, Voter Suppression and How to Stop Them All

July 24, 2017 An Analysis of the Legal Strategies Behind the Commission on Election Integrity

Aug. 3, 2017: Why are the Democrats Afraid to Confront White Supremacy?

Oct. 28, 2017: Do We Need White People?



New Report Prompts Call For Democrats To Halt Transfer Of Power To Trump Before Dec. 13 Deadline

March 19, 2017: Donald Trump is Unimpeachable. Here’s Why.

April 29, 2017: Voting is for White People: The Origins of Crosscheck

May 13, 2017: While Trump distracted you with Comey, Kris Kobach snuck into the White House

July 24, 2017 An Analysis of the Legal Strategies Behind the Commission on Election Integrity

Oct. 13, 2017: There Are 5 Ways to Unseat Donald Trump. Only 1 Will Work.

Nov. 1, 2017: Robert Mueller Can’t Stop Donald Trump. Here’s Why.

Nov. 5, 2017: The Only Way to Stop Trump is to Take Back Congress

Nov. 13, 2017: Impeachment Proceedings Against Donald Trump Could Begin as Early as Next January


June 20, 2017: GA-06: Ossoff’s Loss to Handel was Predictable. Will Democrats Admit It before it’s too Late?

June 26, 2017: Will the Democrats’ Strategy to Defeat the GOP in the 2018 Midterm Elections Work?

June 30, 2017: The Man that Rigged the 2016 Election is Leading Trump’s Commission on Election Integrity — and He Just Made His First Move

July 16, 2017: 22 million Eligible Democratic Votes were Eliminated from the 2016 Election? Was Russia Involved?

July 20, 2017: Everything you Need to Know about Kris Kobach, the Commission on Election Integrity, Voter Suppression and How to Stop Them All

July 24, 2017 An Analysis of the Legal Strategies Behind the Commission on Election Integrity

Aug. 1, 2017: Secretaries of State are Still Handing Over Voter Information to Kobach.

Aug. 9, 2017: End Voter Suppression by 2018. Re-enfranchise 50 Million People. Destroy the GOP. #WeAllVote2018

Oct. 3, 2017: Did Voter Purging Efforts by Democrats & Republicans Leave States Open to Russian Hacking?

Nov. 3, 2017: People of Color Stand to Win Big in the War Between Sanders and Clinton

Nov. 5, 2017: The Only Way to Stop Trump is to Take Back Congress

Nov. 6, 2016: The Dirty Secret Democrats and Republicans Share: They Both Benefit from Voter Suppression

Nov. 8, 2017: Democratic Victories Indicate the Black-Brown Surge is Stronger than the Blue Wave

Dec. 5, 2017: Can Beyoncé and the Black Church Save Us from Roy Moore?

Dec. 13, 2017: Why isn’t Doug Jones Black?

Failures of the Democrats


I Will Not Peacefully Concede My Pussy To Donald Trump

If We Want to Stop Police Brutality, We Will have to Stop Trump from Taking the White House

New Report Prompts Call For Democrats To Halt Transfer Of Power To Trump Before Dec. 13 Deadline

Can Someone Remind Clinton that we don’t Concede to White Supremacy?

Failure to Defend Minority Voters from Voter Suppression Threatens to Cost Democrats more than the Election

Jan 13, 2007: Democrats’ Refusal to Defend POC’s and PWD’s from the Alt-White Threatens to Destroy the Party

Jan 24, 2017: We Can’t Rely on the Democrats to Stop Trump. We Have to Stop Him Ourselves.

April 3, 2017: We Can’t Impeach Trump, but We Can Burn the GOP to the Ground

June 16, 2017: There’s Only One Way to Save the Democratic Party. This is It.

June 20, 2017: GA-06: Ossoff’s Loss to Handel was Predictable. Will Democrats Admit It before it’s too Late?

June 26, 2017: Will the Democrats’ Strategy to Defeat the GOP in the 2018 Midterm Elections Work?

July 6, 2017: No, 44 States Didn’t Reject Kris Kobach’s Request for Voter Data. And that is Terrifying.

July 10, 2017: 10 Reasons You Should Never Criticize the Democratic Party

July 13, 2017: If You Aren’t Working to Enforce the Voting Rights Act, You Aren’t Fighting Voter Suppression

July 16, 2017: 22 million Eligible Democratic Votes were Eliminated from the 2016 Election? Was Russia Involved?

July 31, 2017: The Democrats can Repeal Voter ID Restrictions and Re-enfranchise 21 Million Voters.

Aug. 1, 2017: The Democrats can Stop Trump’s Plot to Take Voter Purging Nationwide. Here’s How.

Aug. 1, 2017: Secretaries of State are Still Handing Over Voter Information to Kobach.

Aug. 3, 2017: Why are the Democrats Afraid to Confront White Supremacy?

Aug. 5, 2017: The Democrats Can Re-enfranchise 21 Million Voters by 2018. Without Congress.

Sept. 15, 2017: Dear Democrats: It’s Not Us, It’s You

Oct. 3, 2017: Did Voter Purging Efforts by Democrats & Republicans Leave States Open to Russian Hacking?

Oct. 7, 2017: Donald Trump is a Piece of Shit, but Don’t Blame Him for Losing Your Birth Control

Oct. 28, 2017: Do We Need White People?

Nov. 6, 2016: The Dirty Secret Democrats and Republicans Share: They Both Benefit from Voter Suppression

Nov. 13, 2017: Impeachment Proceedings Against Donald Trump Could Begin as Early as Next January

Dec. 5, 2017: Can Beyoncé and the Black Church Save Us from Roy Moore?

Republican Strategists


New Report Prompts Call For Democrats To Halt Transfer Of Power To Trump Before Dec. 13 Deadline

Trump is Right. The Election was Rigged. Here’s What We Know.

Feb. 16, 2017: Trump-Nixon: Watergate Alumni Find Themselves in Scandal Again

May 13, 2017: While Trump distracted you with Comey, Kris Kobach snuck into the White House

June 30, 2017: The Man that Rigged the 2016 Election is Leading Trump’s Commission on Election Integrity — and He Just Made His First Move

July 20, 2017: Everything you Need to Know about Kris Kobach, the Commission on Election Integrity, Voter Suppression and How to Stop Them All

July 24, 2017 An Analysis of the Legal Strategies Behind the Commission on Election Integrity

Oct. 3, 2017: Did Voter Purging Efforts by Democrats & Republicans Leave States Open to Russian Hacking?

Nov. 6, 2016: The Dirty Secret Democrats and Republicans Share: They Both Benefit from Voter Suppression


July 10, 2017: 10 Reasons You Should Never Criticize the Democratic Party

July 29, 2017: 3 Rules You Need to Follow to Avoid Being A Middle Class Asshole

Sept. 15, 2017: Dear Democrats: It’s Not Us, It’s You

Oct. 9, 2017: Donald Trump is a Piece of Shit

Oct. 11, 2017: Don’t Cancel the Trump Show!

Nov. 17, 2017: America Needs Thanksgiving Now More than Ever: A Brief History of an Imaginary Holiday

Sexual Assault

Oct. 12, 2017: There’s Nothing Stopping the Next Weinstein

Nov. 22, 2017: A Survivor’s Defense of Al Franken

Nov. 26, 2017: The Real Reason Why We Can’t Just Believe All Women

Dec. 7, 2017: Al Franken Resigns: Democrats Fail the GOP Sexual Harassment Test. Again.

Dec. 17, 2017: A Strategist’s Alternative to “Believe All Women”

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Written by StrategyCamp

SIIP is dedicated to designing strategies to counter political obstacles faced by the most brutally targeted communities in the United States

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